I personally "walk the talk" of self-development, as I transformed my life from a home-stay mom to a successful career woman. Passionate always about supporting those motivated to grow on personal or professional levels, I find great joy in my current life mission. Originally I am a holder of a BBA from the American University of Beirut (AUB) with hands on 5 years experience in Sales and Marketing at Spinneys - Lebanon. I, then, shifted paths to pursue my Masters in Psychology from AUB. My focus was dual; Organizational Psychology and Clinical Psychology. In my own journey of personal and professional development, I've undergone my training as a clinical psychologist at the American University of Beirut Medical Center & am a Licensed Clinical Psychologist now. Additionally, I acquired certifications as a Professional Coach by the International Coach Academy (accredited by the International Coach Federation - ICF), a Neuro-Linguistic Programming Master practitioner (by INLPTA), a Hypnotherapist (by NGH), an EMDR therapist (by EMDRIA), a Positive Psychology Certified Coach (by SCM), and a Relationship and Couple Coach (by ANIMAS). I am currently at a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) level with the International Coach Federation serving as a Mentor Coach. In addition, I'm an accredited EMDR Consultant by EMDR Europe Association supervising trainees in EMDR. I am, also, a published author in the Journal of "Applied Psychology: An International Review" (2010).
I have established my own practice of "STRIDES" previously known as "Coaching Your 3Ps" since 2010 and consider having finally "found" myself. My experience as a Psychology instructor at AUB and LAU later paved the way for my becoming the Motivational Speaker and Trainer I am today. My excitement to serve others in my community extends to being involved with several NGOs: I am the founding president of the "Lebanese Coach Association" (LCA - known now as ICF Lebanon Chapter), Vice President of the EMDR Lebanon Association, a member of the International Coach Federation, I served 4 years as a council member of the "World-wide Association Alumni of the American University of Beirut" (WAAAUB), a member of the "Lebanese Psychological Association" (LPA), and a member at large with "Zamanouna" charity committee. I have been hosted as a regular guest speaker on many International and Lebanese TV channels (LBC, MTV, Future TV, Al Hurra TV, Al Ghad Al Arabi TV, etc...) and especially weekly for consecutive five years on B-Beirut/ B-Live program on LBC SAT. My purpose was and always will be empowering the community to make STRIDES on their personal and professional lives.
I consider myself, currently, on a mission: "to effect positive change". That's why I chose to have multiple roles in the "helping profession". As a Coach, a Clinical Psychologist, a Motivational Speaker and Trainer, I partner with those who are ready to implement constructive changes in their lives. Equipped with a positive psychology orientation, I thrive on helping those who feel stuck, are facing maladjustment issues, or those who have maladaptive behavioral or thought patterns. I do believe that we all have great dormant potentials just waiting to be unleashed. My aim is to be a "change facilitator" for those who are ready. My own journey of personal and professional progress remains ongoing. I have set so many more dreams to fulfill...

"I have clients not patients. I have an office not a clinic. I describe, I do not label. I'm a Counselor not a therapist. I'm a Coach whose always an optimist." ~ 3Ds a positive psychologist irritated by the use of negative language...