In Media

The Glass Child Syndrome - Al Jadeed TV
“The Glass Child Syndrome” refers to that child who is raised in a family whose attention all goes to another sibling struggling with a disability, mental, or physical problem. The glass child feels unseen & unimportant compared to that sibling. What are the short term and long term effects on that child? What could parents do to help? You’ll find some answers here.
What happens when women earn more than their husbands? - Al Jadeed TV
“How is the relationship affected when the wife earns more than her husband?” Traditionally, men are considered the bread earners, but things are changing with time. Wouldn’t this add to the areas of possible conflict? Would all men react to this discrepancy as a threat? And what’s the way out? You’ll find some answers here>
Divorce Threats - Al Jadeed TV
“Divorce Threats” are fairly common in some marital relationships, but when these happen, they are very damaging. Why do these happen? Is there a difference between thinking about divorce & actually suggesting it? How do these threats harm the relationship? And what’s the way out? You’ll find some answers in my latest interview on Al Jadeed TV here.
How Do Men Differ From Women in Falling in Love? - Al Jadeed TV
There are differences between men & women when they fall in love, when the relationship continues & when it ends. How do these differences manifest psychologically, biologically, in thinking, in behaving, & in expression? You’ll find the answers here.
Is It Possible To Love Two People At The Same Time? - Al Jadeed TV
“Can we possibly love two people at the same time?” It’s a controversial topic and maىy would answer “No Way!!”, but it does happen & there are many who prefer #polyamory. You can check my interview on this topic here for a discussion on the reasons, the pitfalls, & how to handle the situation when it happens.
The Art of Not Giving a Damn - Al Jadeed TV
To care is really good, but not always. Caring too much can drain you, right? In this interview, I discuss the upside and downside of apathy and the reasons for why we see people becoming apathetic to what's going on around them.
The Oops Baby Effect - Al Jadeed TV

“The Oops Baby Effect” refers to the unplanned child that comes to life. In many instances, when the child hears that s/he came as a surprise & unprepared for, s/he is left with a long term psychological wound that is carried into adulthood. What happens exactly? How is it best to deal with the Oops baby? You’ll find the answers in my interview on Al Jadeed TV here.
How To Deal With Nighttime Anxiety - Al Jadeed TV
“Nighttime Anxiety” is pretty common, but why does it happen? How is it different than anxiety during the day? And how do we deal with it? You’ll find the answers here.
Silent Screaming - Al Jadeed TV
“Silent Screaming” happens when a person can’t express their psychic pain and it all ends up being manifested in their behaviors. What are the signs of silent screaming? Why does it happen? And how do we deal with it? You’ll find the answers in my interview here.
The Difference Between Talk Therapy & Talking To A Friend - Al Jadeed TV
We're surely encouraged to talk to a friend when we’re experiencing problems, but there's a "Difference between talking to a friend & talking to a Psychologist". How is talk therapy different from talking to a friend? Does a psychologist replace needing a friend? What's the downside of talking to friends about your problems? All about it here.
It's not Love! It's a Trauma Bond!! - Al Jadeed TV
Often times, “It’s not Love! It’s a Trauma Bond!!” This happens in an abusive relationship when the victim finds him/herself trapped and can’t easily leave thinking it must be love keeping them from taking the step. What are the signs of a trauma bond? Why does it happen? And what are the steps to get over it? You’ll find the answers here
Why is Having Faith Important? - Al Jadeed TV
Having Faith is empowering and is very beneficial to both psychological & physical health. Sometimes our faith wanes and that’s understandable especially if we underwent unsurmountable pressure. More on the topic here.
Post Infidelity Stress Disorder - Al Jadeed TV
Post Infidelity Stress Disorder (PISD) is not an official diagnosis, but we often use it to specify the specific trauma the person went through unlike Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) which is more general. PISD has many layers and is specifically very difficult on the cheated on person. What are the signs? How is it best to handle it? And how can this person be best supported? You'll find the answers here.
Dependent Personality - Al Jadeed TV
It’s quite normal to depend on others from time to time. Still, excessive dependency can be a deal breaker in relationships especially if we’re talking about “Dependent Personality Disorder. What are the signs, reasons, & consequences for pathological dependence? You’ll find some answers here.
Who is the Family Scapegoat? - Al Jadeed TV
Who is the “Family Scapegoat”? Any criterion for these people to be the target of continuous blame? What are the other signs, consequences, & how to heal from such a role? You’ll find some answers here.
Martyr of Love Syndrome - Al Jadeed TV
What’s the “Martyr of Love Syndrome”? What are its signs, consequences, & how to resolve it? You’ll find some answers here.
The Challenge of Being Single During Valentine's Day - Al Jadeed TV
Being single is a challenge during valentine’s day. It makes one feel alone & bitter. It could be those who are divorced, widowed, or some of those married ones too. How should those who are not romantically in a relationship cope during this day when others are celebrating love? You’ll find some strategies in my latest interview on Al Jadeed TV here.
What is Tough Love & When Best To Use it? - Al Jadeed TV
What is “Tough Love”? When is it best to use it and how? You’ll find some answers here.
Signs of Emotional Maturity - Al Jadeed TV

You can grow physically & mature mentally, but you may not mature emotionally as easily. What is “Emotional Maturity” & what are its signs? How can you deal with an emotionally immature person? You’ll find some answers here.
Do Opposites Attract? Or Do Birds Of The Same Feather Flock Together? - Al Jadeed TV
“Do Opposites Attract? Or Do Birds Of The Same Feather Flock Together?” Which kind of attraction leads to more satisfying relationships? What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting married to your opposite, or to your similar? You’ll find some answers here.
How To Make Someone Love You - Al Jadeed TV
“How can you make someone #love you?” You can’t force that, but you can surely increase your chances. You’ll find some ways here.
Love Marriage Versus Traditional Marriage - Al Jadeed TV
There are advantages and disadvantages to both Love Marriages & Traditional Marriages! What is the difference in outcomes? Can love come after marriage? What if love dies? You’ll find the answers here.
Is Marrying an Older Woman a Bad Idea? -- Al Jadeed TV
Why is it that some men are attracted to older women? Is it a bad idea to commit and marry an older woman? Would it work? Would the age gap matter? You’ll find the answers here
Holiday Grief - Al Jadeed TV

When it’s the holidays, we’re all supposed to be happy & in festive mode, right? It is very difficult, though, if you’ve just lost a beloved one. How can you possibly deal with Holiday Grief? How are we to balance, or even support those who are going through this? You’ll find the answers here.
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